A brief description of a test of the use of videotape for part of the bankruptcy discharge hearing for debtors required by 11 U.S.C. Section 524(d). The test demonstrated that use of the videotape conserves judge time and can enhance the value of the hearing to the debtor.
J. Michael Greenwood, Julie Horney, M. Daniel Jacoubovitch, Frances B. Lowenstein, Russell R. Wheeler
January 1, 1983
A report on the results of research undertaken in response to section 401 of the Federal Courts Improvement Act of 1982, which directs the Judicial Conference of the United States to "experiment with the different methods of recording court proceedings." The study evaluated the performance of aud
A survey of the experiences of official federal court reporters using computer-aided transcription (CAT) technologies. The study reports mixed evaluations of the relative costs and benefits of CAT.
The court reporting study was concerned with test of the feasibility of using an existing computerized translation system for the production of transcript in courtroom environment; the development of suitable statistics on time and cost of transcript preparation with any of a number of alternativ