Judicial Conference of the United States, Committee on Court Administration and Case Management
December 1, 1994
Prepared by the Judicial Conference of the United States. Transmitted to Congress by the director of the Administrative Office of the United States Courts (includes Appendix I, III, IV).
An evaluation of the Judicial Conference's 1991-1993 pilot program allowing electronic media coverage of federal civil proceedings in six district and two appellate courts.
The National Association for Court Management prepared this manual to provide a better understanding of court administration for judges and other interested parties.
In 1990 the Federal Judicial Center published Court-Annexed Arbitration in Ten District Courts, a statutorily mandated evaluation of the pilot court-annexed mandatory arbitration programs in ten federal district courts.
In 1990 the Federal Judicial Center published Court-Annexed Arbitration in Ten District Courts, a statutorily mandated evaluation of the pilot court-annexed mandatory arbitration programs in ten federal district courts.
In 1990 the Federal Judicial Center published Court-Annexed Arbitration in Ten District Courts, a statutorily mandated evaluation of the pilot court-annexed mandatory arbitration programs in ten federal district courts.