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Class Actions

Displaying 31 - 40 of 88, sorted by most recent
Format: 2025
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Robert Timothy Reagan, Margaret S. Williams, Marie Leary, Catherine R. Borden, Jessica L. Snowden, Patricia D. Breen, Jason A. Cantone
May 29, 2023

Johnson v. Helander (Charles R. Norgle, Sr., N.D. Ill. 1:00-cv-6926)

Robert Timothy Reagan, Margaret S. Williams, Marie Leary, Catherine R. Borden, Jessica L. Snowden, Patricia D. Breen, Jason A. Cantone
March 23, 2023

Hinkleman v. New York State Board of Elections (David N. Hurd, N.D.N.Y. 5:08-cv-207)
The district judge declined to resolve an intraparty dispute over who would be the party’s nominee in a special legislative election.

Robert Timothy Reagan, Margaret S. Williams, Marie Leary, Catherine R. Borden, Jessica L. Snowden, Patricia D. Breen, Jason A. Cantone
March 17, 2023

Kindley v. Bartlett (Terrence W. Boyle, E.D.N.C. 5:05-cv-177)

Catherine R. Borden
May 31, 2018

This pocket guide is designed for transferee judges managing MDL proceedings that involve multiple, related class actions.

Jake Kobrick, Daniel S. Holt
January 5, 2018

The concluding volume of the series covers debates concerning structural changes to the federal courts, including the creation of the U.S. magistrate and U.S.

Jayme J. Herschkopf
June 28, 2017

This guide is designed to offer judges an introduction to the law and practice of securities litigation. It provides an overview of the types of legal and practical issues judges may confront in litigation arising under the securities laws, and, where possible, offers suggestions.

Marie Leary
October 1, 2013

This report to the Judicial Conference’s Advisory Committee on Appellate Rules focused on class action objector appeals filed in the Second, Seventh, and Ninth Circuits from settlements approved by the district courts in class actions filed after January 1, 2008.

Thomas Lee Hazen
January 1, 2011

The author examines the statutory framework for the issues that federal judges are most likely to encounter in federal securities litigation. The third edition updates case law, including recent Supreme Court cases as well as circuit splits.

Barbara Jacobs Rothstein, Thomas E. Willging
January 1, 2010

This pocket guide is designed to help federal judges manage the increased number of class action cases filed in or removed to federal courts as a result of the Class Action Fairness Act of 2005 (CAFA).


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