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Reports & Studies

Below is a list of a number of past published studies conducted by the Research Division. Some Center reports are not published or made publicly available due to restrictions in place from the source of the research request. Most research reports can be downloaded and in some instances, a hardcopy publication can be requested. See also Manuals, Monographs, & Guides.

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Title Datesort ascending
Improving the Federal Court Library System: Report and Recommendations Submitted to the Judicial Conference of the United States by the Board of the Federal Judicial Center

Nineteen recommendations for modernizing and improving the federal court library system, based on a survey of the legal research facilities and library services throughout the federal court system.

January 1, 1978
Central Legal Staffs in the United States Courts of Appeals: A Survey of Internal Operating Procedures

A discussion of the use of staff attorneys in each circuit court, based on reports prepared by senior staff attorneys.

January 1, 1978
The Quality of Advocacy in the Federal Courts: A Report to the Committee of the Judicial Conference of the United States to Consider Standards for Admission to Practice in the Federal Courts

A report on judges' evaluations of lawyers' performance in federal district courts and courts of appeals, undertaken in response to Chief Justice Burger's criticism of federal court advocacy. Based on surveys of trial and appellate judges and attorneys, as well as on ratings of videotaped trial performance, the study analyzes relationships between performance and lawyer characteristics (role in case, size of law office, and lawyer's age, experience, and education) and identifies areas of deficiency in trial and appellate skills.

January 1, 1978
The Voir Dire Examination, Juror Challenges, and Adversary Advocacy

A broad review of the legal and psychological issues presented by the voir dire examination and subsequent challenges of prospective jurors. The discussion is organized under four headings: interests, criteria, parameters, and methodology. An edited version of the paper is contained in The Trial Process (B. D. Sales ed., Plenum 1981).

January 1, 1978
Time Trends in the Earnings of Attorneys: Preliminary Report


January 1, 1978
Data Analysis at the Federal Judicial Center

This report to the Federal Judicial Center looks at problems related to the collection and analysis of data that were encountered during the Center's first 10 years of existence. These include the inability of available computer facilities to support research effectively and problems with the data or its documentation.

January 1, 1977
Progress Report on Phase I: A Project to Develop a Predictive System for the Allocation of Judges January 1, 1977
An Evaluation of the Civil Appeals Management Plan: An Experiment in Judicial Administration

An evaluation of the first experimental operation of the Civil Appeals Management Plan (CAMP) of the Second Circuit. The report evaluated a set of procedures designed to eliminate burdensome appeals, improve the quality of appeals, and expedite the appellate process through the use of mandatory scheduling orders and pre-argument conferences supervised by staff counsel. The report concluded that the initial experiment failed to provide conclusive evidence of the plan's substantive value but that further analysis is warranted (but see A Reevaluation of the Civil Appeals Management Plan).

January 1, 1977
Appellate Court Case Weights Project

An attempt to develop estimates of relative workload in the courts of appeals without detailed timekeeping by judges. Judges estimated the relative workload associated with various appeal types, and their estimates were used to calculate case weights. The report concluded that the weighted caseloads produced by this method were not useful measures of appellate workload, but cautioned that the method could not be adequately assessed given the inconsistencies in the appellate court statistical reporting systems in place in the mid-1970s.

Please note: There is a typographical error in this document. The number VI was accidentally skipped when putting together the sequence of tables, but no text or table is missing from the report.

Also note: This report is reprinted in Part Two of Managing Appeals in Federal Courts (1988).

January 1, 1977
Evaluation of the Probable Impact of Selected Proposals for Imposing Mandatory Minimum Sentences in the Federal Courts

A comparison of sentencing practices in fiscal 1976 with sentencing proposals offered in the second session of the 95th Congress. The authors conclude that few sentences imposed by federal judges would conflict with the legislative proposals, except those in the opiate, bank robbery, and aggravated assault offense categories.

January 1, 1977
