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About the U.S. Courts: Judicial Conduct and Discipline
Code of Conduct for United States Judges, and Codes of Conduct for Judicial Employees
Available on the U.S. Courts website, it contains the codes of conduct that apply to the U.S. federal courts. It is maintained by the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts on behalf of the federal judiciary.
Judicial Conduct and Discipline (PDF)
Description of the rules and procedures governing judicial conduct and discipline in the U.S. Courts. For translated versions of this document, see Translated Briefing Materials under the Resources menu.
The Center for Judicial Ethics
The CJE provides research support for the commissions that investigate complaints of judicial misconduct and tracks opinions issued by ethics advisory committees. Each year, the CJE responds to hundreds of requests for information from reporters, judges, lawyers, and others.
Strengthening Integrity of the Judiciary
This United Nations website includes the Bangalore Principles of Judicial Conduct. The objectives of strengthening judicial integrity are to: (1) Formulate the concept of judicial integrity and devise the methodology for introducing that concept without compromising the principle of judicial independence; (2) Facilitate a safe and productive learning environment for reform minded chief justices around the world; and (3) Raise awareness regarding judicial integrity and to develop, guide, and monitor technical assistance projects aimed at strengthening judicial integrity and capacity.