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U.S. District Court for the District of Massachusetts: Judges

Number of judges: 53
Lowell, John (1789-1801)
Davis, John (1801-1841)
Sprague, Peleg (1841-1865)
Lowell, John (1865-1879)
Lowell, Francis Cabot (1898-1905)
Dodge, Frederic (1905-1912)
Brewster, Elisha Hume (1922-1946)
Lowell, James Arnold (1922-1933)
McLellan, Hugh Dean (1932-1941)
Healey, Arthur Daniel (1941-1948)
McCarthy, William T. (1949-1964)
Aldrich, Bailey (1954-1959)
Julian, Anthony (1959-1984)
Murray, Frank Jerome (1967-1995)
Campbell, Levin Hicks (1971-1972)
Tauro, Joseph Louis (1972-2018)
Skinner, Walter Jay (1973-2005)
Mazzone, A. David (1978-2004)
Zobel, Rya Weickert (1979-present)
McNaught, John Joseph (1979-1991)
Keeton, Robert Ernest (1979-2006)
Wolf, Mark Lawrence (1985-present)
Young, William G. (1985-present)
Woodlock, Douglas Preston (1986-present)
Gorton, Nathaniel M. (1992-present)
Saris, Patti B. (1993-present)
Lindsay, Reginald C. (1993-2009)
Stearns, Richard Gaylore (1993-present)
Ponsor, Michael Adrian (1994-present)
Gertner, Nancy (1994-2011)
O'Toole, George A., Jr. (1995-present)
Saylor, F. Dennis IV (2004-present)
Casper, Denise Jefferson (2010-present)
Talwani, Indira (2014-present)
Mastroianni, Mark Gerald (2014-present)
Sorokin, Leo Theodore (2014-present)
Burroughs, Allison Dale (2014-present)
Kelley, Angel (2021-present)
Guzman, Margaret Rose (2023-present)
Joun, Myong Jin (2023-present)
Kobick, Julia Eleanor (2023-present)
Murphy, Brian Edward (2024-present)

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