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State-Federal Judicial Observer, No. 15

Thomas C. Bogle, Orrin G. Hatch, Melissa Deckman Fallon
June 1, 1997

In this issue of the State-Federal Judicial Observer:

  • Wisconsin Court Programs Promote Public Confidence, by Melissa Deckman Fallon
  • Colorado Forms State-Federal Judicial Council
  • State, Federal Judges Share Bench in Maryland (photo with caption; includes a description of a joint state-federal settlement hearing)
  • FJC, NCSC Jointly Publish Manual for Cooperation Between State and Federal Courts
  • Midwest State-Federal Conference Planned for Fall 1997
  • USAID Project in Haiti Seeks Assistance from Judges and Court Personnel
  • Judicial Federalism in Congress: The Year in Review, by Orrin G. Hatch
  • Frontier "Hanging Judge" Isaac Charles Parker Helped Tame American West, by Thomas C. Bogle
  • State, Federal Judges Attend Human Rights Seminar
  • State-Federal Judicial Council Roundup: (California, Georgia, Hawaii, Iowa, Louisiana, Missouri, Nevada, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Rhode Island, and Virginia)

The State-Federal Judicial Observer was published from 1993-1999 as an occasional newsletter. It was issued by the Center's Interjudicial Affairs Office to further the Center's statutory charge to further cooperation between the state and federal judiciaries. Issues covered a range of topics relating to judicial federalism and provide updates on state-federal judicial councils in the states that have them.