Report to the Advisory Committee on Criminal Rules regarding the proposal to amend Rule 12.2. Procedures governing court-ordered mental examinations are presented as they have been implemented in a sample of districts with extensive death penalty experience.
Rodney C. Early, Civil Justice Advisory Group for the Western District of New York
February 13, 1995
Clerk of the Court Rodney C. Early transmits the First Annual Assessment of the Civil Justice Expense and Delay Reduction Plan for the Western District of New York to Abel J. Mattos of the Administrative Office.
A statutorily mandated report on the pilot court-annexed voluntary arbitration programs in eight federal district courts. The study examines program use in the context of the programs' referral systems.
Cover letter to Judge Michael A. Telesca's transmittal of the Civil Justice Expense and Delay Reduction Plan for the Western District of New York to Administrative Office director L. Ralph Mecham.
Kenneth A. Payment, Civil Justice Advisory Group for the Western District of New York
April 21, 1993
The report of the Civil Justice Advisory Group for the Western District of New York includes an assessment of the court and recommendations for reducing costs and delays in civil proceedings. It is transmitted to chief judge Michael A. Telesca by Advisory Group chairman Kenneth A. Payment.
A memo from CJRA attorney Rachel Brody Bandych to members of the Western District Civil Justice Advisory Group concerning the draft Advisory Group report
Michael J. Kaplan faxes David F. Hopkins of the Administrative Office a copy of a 2/27/1991 local rules change for the Western District of New York in which District Judge Michael A. Telesca announces the members of the district's advisory group.