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W.D. Ark.

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Robert Timothy Reagan
November 22, 2023

Arkansas United v. Thurston (Timothy L. Brooks, W.D. Ark. 5:20-cv-5193)

Robert Timothy Reagan
July 5, 2023

Miller v. Thurston (Timothy L. Brooks, W.D. Ark. 5:20-cv-5163)

Civil Justice Advisory Group for the Western District of Arkansas
December 30, 1996

The 1996 Periodic Assessment for the Western District of Arkansas

Christopher R. Johnson, Civil Justice Advisory Group for the Western District of Arkansas
July 21, 1995

Clerk of the Court Christopher R. Johnson transmits the Periodic Assessment of the Western District of Arkansas to Administrative Office Director L. Ralph Mecham

Civil Justice Advisory Group for the Western District of Arkansas
January 1, 1994

The expense and delay reduction plan adopted by the Western District of Arkansas pursuant to the Civil Justice Reform Act of 1990

Robert L. Jones
June 18, 1993

Cover letter to Robert L. Jones, Jr.'s transmittal of the Report of the Advisory Group for the Western District of Arkansas to Chief Judge H. Franklin Waters

Civil Justice Advisory Group for the Western District of Arkansas
June 15, 1993

The advisory group report of the Western District of Arkansas

November 18, 1991

Lists which districts have submitted final or draft plans and reports

Philip R. Argetsinger
September 26, 1991

Philip R. Argetsinger of the Administrative Office transmits other districts' attorney questionnaires to Christopher R. Johnson, Clerk of Western District of Arkansas


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