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Gary Lee, Civil Justice Advisory Group for the Southern District of New York
October 31, 1991

Assistant District Executive Gary Lee transmits the Civil Justice Expense and Delay Reduction Plan for the Southern District of New York to Philip R. Argetsinger of the Court Administration Division of the Administrative Office.

Robert Workman Sweet
October 30, 1991

A cover letter accompanying District Judge Robert W. Sweet's transmittal of a draft of the Southern District of New York's Advisory Group Report and Plan to Abel J. Mattos of the Administrative Office.

Barbara Meierhoefer, Joe S. Cecil
April 1, 1991

A magazine that reported Center research and education activities in a concise format. In this issue of FJC Directions:

Charles L. Brieant Jr.
March 4, 1991

A fax to Karen K. Siegel contains a 3/1/1991 press release from District Judge Charles L. Brieant announcing the appointment of a Civil Justice Advisory Group for the Southern District of New York

March 1, 1991

Press release revealing names, backgrounds, and duties of the Advisory Group members for S.D.N.Y.

Charles L. Brieant Jr.
February 28, 1991

Chief Judge Charles L. Brieant faxes a list of the Southern District of New York's Civil Justice Advisory Group to David F. Hopkins of the Administrative Office, Court Programs Division.

Charles L. Brieant Jr.
February 27, 1991

Chief Judge of New York's Southern District Charles L. Brient writes to judge Anthony A. Alaimo of Georgia's Southern District. He discusses the potential benefits of agreeing to become a pilot district under the Civil Justice Reform Act.

Leonidas Ralph Mecham
January 16, 1991

Administrative Office Director Mecham describes the size, role, and composition of advisory groups and lists the pilot districts for CJRA implementation

Robert F. Peckham, Association of the Bar of the City of New York, Federal Bar Counsel, New York County Lawyers Association, New York State Bar Association
April 18, 1990

Robert F. Peckham forwards to members of the Civil Justice Reform Act Subcommittee this joint statement of four New York bar associations concerning the Biden Bill

Charles L. Brieant Jr., Lenore Carrero Nesbitt
April 2, 1990

Correspondence between judges regarding S. 2027 and potential Local Rules changes


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