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Displaying 21 - 30 of 51, sorted by most recent
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Ronald J. Hedges
June 29, 1993

Magistrate Judge Ronald J. Hedges transmits the meeting minutes from the 6/15/1993 meeting of the oversight committee to all members of the advisory committee

Peter G. McCabe
June 8, 1993

Peter G. MCCabe, secretary of the Judicial Conference's Committee on Rules of Practice and Procedure, writes to District of New Jersey Chief Judge John F. Gerry to recommend a change in the district's Civil Justice Expense and Delay Reduction Plan.

Ronald J. Hedges
May 19, 1993

Magistrate Judge Ronald J. Hedges sends a worksheet on proposed rule changes and their effects on the District of New Jersey to Chief District Judge John F. Gerry.

Ronald J. Hedges
April 21, 1993

Magistrate Judge Ronald J. Hedges writes to his colleagues in the District of New Jersey in order to suggest items to be taken into consideration for the third annual assessment of the Civil Justice Reform Act plan

Ronald J. Hedges
April 12, 1993

Magistrate Judge Ronald J. Hedges transmits statistics for Track I and II terminations for the period April 1, 1992 to March 31, 1993.

H. Lee Sarokin
April 2, 1993

H. Lee Sarokin writes to Chief Judge John F. Gerry to discuss the reception of the District of New Jersey's Expense and Delay Reduction Plan and periodic assessment at a meeting Court Administration and Case Management. Committee.

Ronald J. Hedges
March 22, 1993

Magistrate Judge Ronald J. Hedges transmits the meeting minutes from the 3/16/1993 meeting of the oversight committee to all members of the advisory committee

Mark D. Shapiro
March 1, 1993

The March, 1993 edition of the Administrative Office's Court Administration Bulletin includes an article on New Jersey's periodic assessment under the Civil Justice Reform Act.

Ronald J. Hedges
February 19, 1993

Magistrate Judge Ronald J. Hedges transmits the meeting minutes from the 2/17/1993 meeting of the oversight committee to all members of the advisory committee

John Francis Gerry
January 29, 1993

Local Rules changes regarding mediation and discovery adopted by the District of New Jersey.


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