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D. Minn.

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John R. Tunheim
October 3, 2008

Protective Order, United States v. Warsame, No. 0:04-cr-29 (D. Minn. Oct. 3, 2008), D.E. 144.

Carol L. Krafka, Donna J. Stienstra, Patricia A. Lombard, Rebecca N. Eyre
January 1, 2008

At the request of the Judicial Conference Committee on Court Administration and Case Management, the Federal Judicial Center conducted a study of the use of courtrooms in the U.S. district courts.

John R. Tunheim
April 20, 2007

Protective Order, United States v. Warsame, No. 0:04-cr-29 (D. Minn. Apr. 20, 2007), D.E. 102.

John R. Tunheim
March 8, 2005

Protective Order, United States v. Warsame, No. 0:04-cr-29 (D. Minn. 0:04-cr-29 Mar. 8, 2005), D.E. 27.

Francis E. Dosal, Civil justice Advisory Group for the District of Minnesota
June 13, 1997

Clerk of the Court Francis E. Dosal transmits the 1993-1996 CJRA Assessment Report of the Civil Justice Reform Act Advisory Group for the District of Minnesota to Donna Stienstra of the Federal Judicial Center and Abel J. Mattos of the Administrative Office

Civil justice Advisory Group for the District of Minnesota, Diana E. Murphy, Paul A. Magnuson, James Michael Rosenbaum, David S. Doty, Richard H. Kyle
August 23, 1993

The plan devised by the District of Minnesota Civil Justice Advisory Group. Includes the order of adoption.

Donald D. Alsop
February 26, 1991

Chief Judge Donald D. Alsop transmits his order establishing a civil justice advisory group for the District of Minnesota to Duane R. Lee of the Administrative Office.

Joseph F. Weiss Jr., Joseph R. Biden, Stephen B. Middlebrook, Diana E. Murphy, Stuart T. Gerson
September 6, 1990

Statements presented before the Subcommitte on Courts, Intellectual Property, and the Administration of Justice Committee on the Judiciary United States House of Representatives

Leonidas Ralph Mecham, Walter T. McGovern, Joseph R. Biden, Diana E. Murphy, Robert F. Peckham
July 9, 1990

Administrative Office Director L. Ralph Mecham transmits the 5/17/1990 Senate Congressional Record and Prepared Statements from 6/25/1990 to U.S. District and Circuit Judges and Magistrates

Diana E. Murphy
June 26, 1990

Judge Diana E. Murphy's prepared statement before the Senate Judiciary Committee on behalf of the Federal Judges Association


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