This report to the Senate and the House Judiciary Committees includes information on the progress and procedures of CJRA implementation, the contents of district plans, and the results of implementation in pilot courts.
Abel J. Mattos updates Mark D. Shapiro on the progress and recommendations of each Circuit Review Committee regarding Civil Justice Expense and Delay Reduction Plan
Geri Smith, Civil Justice Advisory Group for the Northern District of Ohio
January 13, 1992
Clerk of the Court Geri M. Smith transmits the Northern District of Ohio Civil Justice Advisory Group report and recommendations (adopted by the court November 27th, 1991) to Philip R. Argetsinger of the Administrative Office.
Cover letter to Clerk of the Court C. Duke Hynek's transmittal of the Western District of Michigan's district plan and adv isory group report to Abel J. Mattos of the Administrative Office
Cover letter to Chief Judge Benjamin F. Gibson's transmittal of the Western District of Michigan's district plan and adv isory group report to Administrative Office director L. Ralph Mecham
Cover letter to Clerk of the Court C. Duke Hynek's transmittal of the Western District of Michigan's district plan and advisory group report to Duane R. Lee of the Administrative Office
Civil Justice Advisory Group for the Western District of Michigan, James H. Geary, Ralph Chandler
November 22, 1991
The Civil Justice Advisory Group's report for the Western District of Michigan, transmitted to Chief Judge Benjamin F. Gibson by James H. Geary and Ralph Clark Chandler