January 29, 1861 12 Stat. 126 |
Congress organized Kansas as one judicial district and authorized one judgeship. The U.S. district court in Kansas, not being assigned to a judicial circuit, was granted the same jurisdiction as U.S. circuit courts, except in appeals and writs of error, which were the jurisdiction of the Supreme Court. |
July 15, 1862 12 Stat. 576 |
Congress repealed the circuit court jurisdiction of the U.S. District Court for the District of Kansas, established a U.S. circuit court for the district, and assigned the district to the Ninth Circuit. |
July 23, 1866 14 Stat. 209 |
Congress reorganized the circuits and assigned the District of Kansas to the Eighth Circuit. |
January 6, 1883 22 Stat. 400 |
Congress reassigned a portion of the jurisdiction held over the Indian Territory by the Western District of Arkansas to the District of Kansas (reassigning another portion to the Northern District of Texas). Congress repealed the jurisdiction of district courts in Arkansas, Kansas, and Texas over the Indian Territory effective September 1, 1896 (28 Stat. 697). |
February 28, 1929 45 Stat. 1346 |
Congress assigned the District of Kansas to the newly-organized Tenth Circuit. |
October 16, 1945 59 Stat. 545 |
One temporary judgeship authorized. This position never made permanent. |
August 3, 1949 63 Stat. 493 |
One additional judgeship authorized. |
May 19, 1961 75 Stat. 80 |
One additional judgeship authorized. |
March 18, 1966 80 Stat. 75 |
One temporary judgeship authorized. |
June 2, 1970 84 Stat. 294 |
Temporary judgeship made permanent. |
October 20, 1978 92 Stat. 1629 |
One additional judgeship authorized. |
December 1, 1990 104 Stat. 5089 |
One temporary judgeship authorized. (Statute revised by 109 Stat. 635 and judgeship extended by 111 Stat. 1173, 121 Stat. 55, 121 Stat. 1990, 123 Stat. 649, 123 Stat. 3177, 125 Stat. 134, 125 Stat. 902, 127 Stat. 418, 128 Stat. 203, 128 Stat. 2351, 129 Stat. 2443, 131 Stat. 347, 132 Stat. 555, 133 Stat. 159, 133 Stat. 2454, 134 Stat. 1400, 136 Stat. 261, 136 Stat 4671, and 138 Stat. 542.) |
December 23, 2024 138 Stat. 2693 |
Temporary judgeship authorized in 1990 made permanent. |