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Federal Rules of Civil Procedure

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November 1, 2018

A detailed description of the Mandatory Initial Discovery Pilot Project, which began in participating courts as early as May 1, 2017.

Currently there are two courts participating in this pilot project:

April 26, 2018

This package of materials was transmitted to Congress on April 26, 2018, concerning amendments to the Federal Rules of Practice and Procedure to become effective on December 1, 2018.

Amendments to the Federal Rules of Practice and Procedure are as follows:

October 4, 2017

This package of materials was transmitted to the U.S. Supreme Court on October 4, 2017, concerning amendments to the Federal Rules of Practice and Procedure to become effective on December 1, 2018.

Ronald J. Hedges, Barbara Jacobs Rothstein, Elizabeth C. Wiggins
September 20, 2017

This third edition of the pocket guide on managing the discovery of electronically stored information (ESI) covers the December 1, 2015, amendments to the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure and reflects the rise of new sources of ESI, particularly social media, and updates judges on how ESI may be

July 4, 2017

A detailed description of the Mandatory Initial Discovery Pilot Project, which begins for participating judges in the Northern District of Illinois, Eastern Division, on June 1, 2017.

William W Schwarzer, Alan Hirsch, Jeremy D. Fogel
June 19, 2017

This manual describes techniques that judges have found effective in managing their cases at various stages of the litigation process.

May 20, 2017

A checklist itemizing the procedural requirements of the Mandatory Initial Discovery Pilot Project. The checklist is designed to be helpful to judges presiding over pilot cases and to attorneys participating in pilot cases as pilot requirements apply to the initial stages of discovery.

May 18, 2017

The Northern District of Illinois has created a specific list of events dedicated to the filing of pleadings under the Mandatory Initial Discovery Pilot Project. The complete list of pilot events are:

April 27, 2017

This package of materials was transmitted to Congress on April 27, 2017, concerning amendments to the Federal Rules of Practice and Procedure to become effective on December 1, 2017.

Amendments to the Federal Rules of Practice and Procedure are as follows:

Timothy T. Lau, Emery G. Lee
March 28, 2017

This pocket guide summarizes the essential concepts behind a variety of labor-saving techniques, known generally as technology-assisted review (TAR), that help identify documents for production.


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