Report on the federal district courts' responses to the 1993 amendments to FRCP 26. Tables describe courts' local rules, general orders, and CJRA plans by indicating which of five key provisions of Rule 26 are in effect.
Thomas E. Willging, Laural L. Hooper, Robert J. Niemic
March 13, 1996
A study conducted by the Center to provide the Judicial Conference's Advisory Committee on Civil Rules with systematic, empirical information about how Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 23 operates.
Report on the federal district courts' responses to the 1993 amendments to FRCP 26. Tables describe courts' local rules, general orders, and CJRA plans by indicating which of five key provisions of Rule 26 are in effect.
Naomi Medvin, Elizabeth C. Wiggins, F. James Kearney
March 8, 1995
District-by-district summary and chart of local rules or orders adopted by U.S. Bankruptcy courts responding to 1993 amendments to Federal Rules of Civil Procedure 26. Also summarizes other discovery-related requirements and patterns found in courts' responses to amendments.
John E. Shapard, George W. Cort, Marie Leary, Thomas E. Willging, Elizabeth C. Wiggins, Kim McLaurin
January 1, 1995
A report of the results of a Center survey that sought federal trial attorneys' and federal district judges' views of the effects of Rule 11 before 1993, the effects of amendments to Rule 11 that became effective December 1, 1993, and the merits of proposals that would in large measure reverse th
A report that uses trial attorneys' responses to a Center survey concerning 800 federal civil cases in assessing proposed amendments to Fed. R. Civ. P. 68 to make it more effective in encouraging settlement and reducing litigation.
Report on the federal district courts' responses to the 1993 amendments to FRCP 26. Tables describe courts' local rules, general orders, and CJRA plans by indicating which of five key provisions of Rule 26 are in effect.
Elizabeth C. Wiggins, Thomas E. Willging, Donna J. Stienstra
November 1, 1991
A magazine that reported Center research and education activities in a concise format. Centered around a study undertaken by the Center to assess the operation and impact of Fed. R. Civ. P.