In this issue of the State-Federal Judicial Observer:
- State, Federal Judicial Bodies Agree on Health Case Dispute Resolution Principles
- Seminar Features Nationally Known Authors; Oates, McPherson Speak
- NCCJ Adopts Two Strong Resolutions on Federalism
- State and Federal Judges, Court Personnel Attend March Conference on Ending Racial, Ethnic Bias
- Chief Justices' Conference Takes Strong Stand Against Justice Department Regulation
- Substantive Legal Issues Create Tensions Between State and Federal Courts, by Susan P. Graber
- British Lord Chancellor Greets State, Federal Judges at Seminar
- Realistic Long-Range Planning for Courts: A State-Federal Judicial Council Project, by William W Schwarzer
- Special Issue of Justice System Journal Details Courts' Attempts to Deal with Rising Drug Caseloads
- State-Federal Council Discussion Survey Reveals Variety of Subjects: (Alabama, California, Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Iowa, Kansas, Louisiana, Maine, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nevada, New York, Ohio, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Virginia, Washington, and West Virginia)
The State-Federal Judicial Observer was published from 1993-1999 as an occasional newsletter. It was issued by the Center's Interjudicial Affairs Office to further the Center's statutory charge to further cooperation between the state and federal judiciaries. Issues covered a range of topics relating to judicial federalism and provide updates on state-federal judicial councils in the states that have them.