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State-Federal Judicial Observer, No. 5

Daniel J. Meador, James G. Apple
March 1, 1994

In this issue of the State-Federal Judicial Observer:

  • State and Federal Judges Express Concern Over New Legislation; Crime Bills, Other Proposals May Affect Traditional Federalism, by James G. Apple
  • FJC Publication Details Debate over Judicial Federalism, Increased Federalization of Crime
  • Joint State-Federal Task Forces Study Problems of Gender Bias in Courts
  • Second California Capital Case Symposium Scheduled for April in Los Angeles- U.S. Fourth Circuit Committee Plans Regional State-Federal Conference
  • State, Federal Judges Attend California Conferences on Settlement Processes
  • On Windshields and Rearview Mirrors, Layer Cakes, Parkinson's Disease, and Judicial Federalism: Adapted from informal remarks at the Western Regional Conference on State-Federal Judicial Relationships, in June 1993, in Stevenson, Washington , by Daniel J. Meador
  • Video Appearances Make Judicial Life Easier for State District Judge, by James G. Apple
  • Judicial Education Changes Direction; Humanities, Ethics and Values, Works of Literature, and Science are Additions to Traditional Curricula, by James G. Apple

The State-Federal Judicial Observer was published from 1993-1999 as an occasional newsletter. It was issued by the Center's Interjudicial Affairs Office to further the Center's statutory charge to further cooperation between the state and federal judiciaries. Issues covered a range of topics relating to judicial federalism and provide updates on state-federal judicial councils in the states that have them.