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State-Federal Judicial Observer, No. 12

James G. Apple, Gary L. Bockweg, B. Paul Cotter Jr., Clyde Christofferson, Rich Goldschmidt, Alan Asay, Michael S. Baum
March 1, 1996

In this issue of the State-Federal Judicial Observer:

  • Electronic Filing Comes to State and Federal Courts, by James G. Apple
  • JEDDI Corporation Electronic Filing Workshop and Annual Meeting, March 29-30, 1996
  • Benefits of Electronic Filing Will Push Courts to Invest in New Technologies, by Rich Goldschmidt & Gary Bockweg
  • Computer Signature Guidelines Support Electronic Security, by Michael S. Baum
  • JEDDI Corporation Seeks National Standards for State and Federal Courts, by B. Paul Cotter, Jr.
  • Toward Paperless Utah Courts: The Vision, by Alan Asay
  • How a Fully Implemented Electronic Filing System Would Work--The Plan of the Utah Court, by Alan Asay
  • JEDDI Corporation May Soon Provide Starter Kits for Electronic Filing, by Clyde Christofferson

The State-Federal Judicial Observer was published from 1993-1999 as an occasional newsletter. It was issued by the Center's Interjudicial Affairs Office to further the Center's statutory charge to further cooperation between the state and federal judiciaries. Issues covered a range of topics relating to judicial federalism and provide updates on state-federal judicial councils in the states that have them.