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Keeping Polls Open Because They Were Moved with Inadequate Notice

Robert Timothy Reagan
March 8, 2023

Idaho State Democratic Party v. Rich (B. Lynn Winmill, D. Idaho 1:16-cv-491)
Five polling places in one county were moved to achieve compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. On election day, a political party filed a federal complaint seeking two hours of additional voting at the moved polls, alleging that voters had received inadequate notice of the moves. Stepping away from a trial, the district judge held a telephonic hearing at 4:07 p.m. and ruled approximately one hour later that the five polling places should be kept open an additional hour, which the judge determined would be enough time for voters who showed up at the end of voting hours at the wrong locations. Among the judge’s findings was a conclusion that the plaintiff party had not cherry-picked polling locations.
Subject: Poll hours. Topics: Polling hours; poll locations; provisional ballots; ballot segregation; Help America Vote Act (HAVA).

One of many Case Studies in Emergency Election Litigation.