A critical analysis of particular research into federal criminal sentencing activity. The authors indicate methodological error in prior work on sentencing guidelines and suggest alternative approaches.
A description of the implementation in the Third Circuit Court of Appeals of word processing and an electronic-mail network using Courtran computer resources.
This report is the third of four prepared during a study of the communications requirements of the Courtran II processing system. This report analyzes and compares pricing for each of the primary Courtran II network alternatives.
Anthony Partridge, Alan J. Chaset, William B. Eldridge
January 1, 1978
This paper is an introduction to understanding the relationship between a judge's sentence of imprisonment and the actions of those agencies that have responsibility for an offender after sentencing.
This study was conducted in order to develop a projection of the Federal Judicial Center Courtran II data communications requirements and to determine the most cost effective way to meet those requirements. The study looked forward from 1978 to 1983.
Paul R. J. Connolly, Edith A. Holleman, Michael J. Kuhlman
January 1, 1978
A description of the use of the discovery rules then in effect in a sample of more than 3,000 cases from six district courts. The report provides quantitative information on each discovery device and on discovery motions.