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James Byron Moran
June 23, 1995

Proposed local rules changes in the Northern District of Illinois

January 9, 1995

Bar notice informing counselors to the ADR-related changes to the Western District of North Carolina's Civil Justice Expense and Delay Reduction Plan

James Byron Moran
June 23, 1994

The text of Northern District of Illinois local General Rule 2.06 with proposed revisions

Robert M. Landis
April 12, 1994

Press release from Eastern District of Pennsylvania Civil Justice Advisory Group chairman Robert M. Landis, announcing a public hearing on the distric's Expense and Delay Reduction Plan and its effects.

James Byron Moran
January 21, 1994

The text of a standing order issued in the Northern District of Illinois in response to the Civil Justice Reform Act. Includes an introduction written by Chief Judge James B. Moran

James Byron Moran
January 21, 1994

The text of Northern District of Illinois local General Rule 1.72

James Byron Moran
January 21, 1994

The text of Northern District of Illinois local General Rule 8

October 6, 1993

A notice reminding attorneys of the responsibility to file joint reports informing the Court of the basic factual background and primary contentions of the parties.

Mimi Arfin
May 5, 1992

Deputy Director Mimi Arfin faxes the Proposed General Order for the Case Management Pilot in the Northern District of California to Donna Stienstra of the Federal Judicial Center

Charles L. Brieant Jr., Civil Justice Advisory Group for the Southern District of New York
December 17, 1991

The Civil Justice Expense and Delay Reduction Plan for the Southern District of New York adopted December 12, 1991 and its accompanying press release.


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