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Garry Sturgess
December 2, 1991

Article identifies two judges who are tardy in reporting their unresolved cases

Carl Tobias
November 25, 1991

Editorial article regarding the CJRA (Legal Times)

Civil Justice Advisory Group Central District of California
November 22, 1991

Contains a survey directed at practicioners in order to gauge the effects of current and proposed rules and procedures on cost and efficiency of dispute resolution

Saundra Torry
November 11, 1991

Article summarizes the newly public reporting of pending cases

Terry Carter
October 25, 1991

Several news articles describing judicial reactions to the CJRA. Additional date: 10/23/1991

Terry Carter
October 23, 1991

Article describing the local plans for Civil Justice Reform Act implementation by California's Northern, Central, and Southern districts (Los Angeles Daily Journal)

Terry Carter
October 23, 1991

News article about the different legislative and executive branch forces driving civil judicial reform and the pilot programs for reform (Los Angeles Daily Journal)

Herb Jaffe, Gordon Hunter
September 13, 1991

News articles dated 9/13/1991, 9/17/1991, and 11/18/1991 entitled "Other branches blamed-for federal court bind," "Panel labors-to put courts back in order," and "Judges Clog Federal Docket"

Joseph Louis Tauro, Leonidas Ralph Mecham, Arthur R. Miller, Joseph R. Biden
March 15, 1991

A collection of correspondence relating to the formation and mission of the District of Massachusetts' Civil Justice Reform Act Advisory Group. Includes a clipping from Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly, and a memo from Advisory Group Reporter Arthur R.

Andrew Blum
January 28, 1991

Reports U.S. Solicitor General Kenneth Starr's appointment as head of a task force studying civil justice reform (National Law Journal)


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