Jesse Casaus, the Reporter for the Civil Justice Advisory Group for the District of New Mexico, transmits a set of review forms, sample letters and questionnaires to Mark Shapiro of the Administrative Office
Civil Justice Advisory Group for the Northern District of Georgia, Luther D. Thomas
October 3, 1991
Clerk of the Court Luther D. Thomas transmits the reports of each subcommittee of the Civil Justice Advisory Group for the Northern District of Georgia to Philip R. Argetsinger of the Administrative Office
Packet prepared for the District of Puerto Rico offering guidance for crafting CJRA reports and plans based on 1991 statistics of case weights, filing trends, and criminal dockets
Civil Justice Advisory Group for the Southern District of Texas, Jesse E. Clark
September 24, 1991
Clerk of the Court Jesse E. Clark transmits the recommendations of the Southern District of Texas Civil Justice Advisory Group's Subcommittee on Court Resources to Jim McCormickof the Administrative Office
Correspondence regarding a questionnaire sent to attorneys in the Southern District of Illinois. Also includes statistics on case loads, types, and lengths for that district.