A fax to Pam Krens of the Administrative Office containing a list of appointees to the Civil Justice Advisory Group for the Southern District of Georgia
Clerk of the Court Marvin Waits faxes Chief Judge William Stafford's order appointing members to the Civil Justice Advisory Group for the Northern District of Florida to David F. Hopkins of the Administrative Office
Clerk of the Court Norbert H. Ebel faxes a membership roster for the Civil Justice Advisory Group for the District of Nebraska to Jim McCormick of the Administrative Office
A Chief Deputy Clerk of the Court faxes the order establishing the Civil Justice Advisory Group for the Western District of Missouri to Jim McCormack of the Administrative Office. The order lists the names and positions of advisory group members.
Clerk of the Court William W. Luddy transmits a membership roster for the Civil Justice Advisory Group for the Southern District of California to Duane R. Lee of the Administrative Office
The general order appointing members to the Civil Justice Advisory Group for the Eastern District of Washington, as seen in a fax to the Administrative Office