Chief Judge Clarence A. Brimmer encloses a membership list of the Civil Justice Advisory Group for the District of Wyoming in a letter to Duane R. Lee of the Administrative Office
Cory Barrett faxes a membership roster of the Civil Justice Advisory Group for the Northern District of California to Barbara Quartulli of the Administrative Office
L. Ralph Mecham transmits interim guidelines for the allocation of resources to chief district judges and court clerks. He also includes budget call forms to be completed by each court.
Administrative Analyst Cecelia Dusi transmits a membership list of the Civil Justice Advisory Group for the District of Oregon to Barbara Ouartulli of the Administrative Office
Judge Jaime Pieras, Jr. writes to Robert M. Parker of the Judicial Conference to announce his appointment as the chairman of the Civil Justice Advisory Group for the District of Puerto Rico
Chief Judge H. Dale Cook transmits a membership roster of the Civil Justice Advisory Group for the Northern District of Oklahoma to Duane R. Lee of the Administrative Office
Clerk of the Court Jack L. Wagner transmits a membership roster of the Civil Justice Advisory group for the Eastern District of California to Tony Anastas of the Administrative Office