Chief U.S. District Judge Ronald R. Lagueux transmits his district's Civil Justice Reform Act report and plan to Abel J. Mattos of the Administrative Office
Cover letter to Abel J. Mattos's transmittal of the district plans and reports for the Southern District of Iowa and the Middle District of Louisiana to Judge Alan Nevas of the District of Connecticut for review
Civil Justice Advisory Group for the Nothern District of Illinois
November 15, 1993
The Expense and Delay Reduction Plan crafted by the Civil Justice Advisory Group for the Northern District of Illinois and adopted by the court on November 15, 1993
Cover letter of Abel J. Mattos's transmittal of the Civil Justice Reform Act Plan and Report for the Middle District of Pennsylvania to Judge Jane A. Restani for her review
A summary and review of the Eastern District of Kentucky's report and plan under the Civil Justice Reform Act, prepared for the Judicial Conference Committee on-Court Administration and Case Management
Correspondence between the Judicial Conference and the District of Connecticut regarding revisions to the court's Civil Justice Reform Act district plan