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Federal Judicial Circuits: Eastern Circuit

September 24, 1789
1 Stat. 74
Congress established the Eastern Circuit and included Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and New York in the circuit. Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York
June 23, 1790
1 Stat. 128
Congress included Rhode Island (which had not been included in a circuit) in the Eastern Circuit. Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York, Rhode Island
March 2, 1791
1 Stat. 197
Congress included Vermont (which had not been included in a circuit) in the Eastern Circuit. Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York, Rhode Island, Vermont
February 13, 1801
2 Stat. 90
Congress abolished the Eastern Circuit and established the First through Sixth Circuits, including Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and Rhode Island in the First Circuit and Connecticut, New York, and Vermont in the Second Circuit.