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This catalog contains records of Federal Judicial Center publications, including research reports, monographs on substantive legal subjects, manuals, and reference guides. The catalog contains a bibliographic record for each item, including title, author, description or abstract, and other information describing the item. Most FJC publications are available in depository libraries and federal court libraries. Unless otherwise noted, FJC publications are not copyrighted. For assistance please contact sends e-mail).

Recent Publications

April 2024

This guide provides an overview of the statutory schemes and procedural matters that distinguish mutual legal assistance treaties and letters rogatory. It also discusses legal issues that arise when the prosecution, the defense, or a civil... (read more)

December 2023

This collection of case studies illustrates how federal judges managed the time pressures of emergency election litigation in the years 2000 through 2020. The case studies are based on reviews of the court records and interviews with more than... (read more)

August 2023

This guide is designed to assist federal and state judges in dealing with proceedings for the return of children under the 1980 Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction. Cases arising under the 1980 Convention... (read more)

August 2023

This primer is a brief introduction to the complexity and nuance in the subject-matter jurisdiction of the U.S. courts of appeals. It examines procedural issues related to the exercise of appellate jurisdiction in appeals from final judgments and... (read more)

July 2023

The Trade Secret Case Management Judicial Guide provides judges with a comprehensive resource for surveying trade secret law and managing trade secret litigation. Chapters are organized according to the stages of litigation and guided by an early... (read more)